Lothar Franz von Schönborn (1655-1729), Prince bishop of Bamberg, Elector and Archbishop of Mainz, and as such Chancellor of the Reich, was the second most powerful man after the German Emperor and [...] Read More
Germany and Central Europe
Burkhard Engelberg, “Der vilkunstreiche Architector und der Statt Augspurg Wercke Meister” Burkhard Engelberg und die süddeutsche Architektur um 1500: Anmerkungen zur sozialen Stellung und Arbeitsweise spätgotischer Steinmetzen und Werkmeister (Schwäbische Geschichtsquellen und Forschungen, 18)
A condensed version of the author’s prodigious doctoral dissertation (University of Bamberg, 1987), this still quite sizeable book examines and contextualizes the life and work of Burkhard Engelberg [...] Read More
The New Hollstein: German Engravings, Etchings and Woodcuts 1400-1700: Heinrich Aldegrever
Heinrich Aldegrever has remained a stepchild of German print history. Already dismissed as a secondary follower of Dürer from the next generation and grouped with the ‘Little Masters’ (Kleinmeister) [...] Read More
Ljubezen in Nespamet. Minne und Torheit
In 1999 the Albertina and the National Gallery of Slovenia hosted an exhibition of thirty-one rare fifteenth-century German prints from the Albertina’s collection. Called Ljubezen in Nespamet. Minne [...] Read More
Johann Liss. A Monograph and Catalogue Raisonné
The first words in this major new monograph devoted to Johann Liss state the problem: he is, "a painter about whose life almost nothing is known. No documents exist pertaining to his birth and [...] Read More
Copper as Canvas. Two Centuries of Masterpiece Paintings on Copper 1575-1775
This is the catalogue of an imaginatively conceived and well-researched exhibition. Its lengthy and informative essays, by Michael Komanecky, Edgar Peters Bowron, Clara Bargellini, Isabel Horovits, [...] Read More