Aaron Hyman, Asst. Prof., Johns Hopkins (Berkeley/Yale): $1000 towards publication costs for the book, Rubens in Repeat: The Logic of the Copy in Colonial Latin America, to be published with the Getty Research Institute in July 2021.
Barbara Kaminska, Asst. Prof., Sam Houston State: $2000 towards subvention for her second book, Images of Miraculous Healing in the Early Modern Netherlands to be published with Brill’s Studies on Art, Art History, and Intellectual History series.
Adam Sammut, Ph.D. candidate, University of York: $1000 towards travel costs for images for his upcoming book: Rubens and the Dominican Church in Antwerp: Art and Political Economy in an Age of Religious Conflict, to be published in Brill’s Studies on Art, Art History, and Intellectual History series.
Lauryn Smith, Ph.D. candidate, Case Western: $1000 towards travel costs to support research for chapters one and three of her dissertation: Cultivating Self and Displaying Status: Innovation and Exchange in the Cabinets of Amalia van Solms-Braunfels (1602-1675).