Artistic Interactions between the Netherlands and Germany – Annual ANKK Conference
The central theme of the annual conference is the exchange of art and culture between the Netherlands and Germany. Both the exports from the Dutch and Flemish territories and the counter-movements, such as visits of German artists to the Netherlands, will be examined. In addition to the artistic influence, which has always attracted scholarly attention, there is also an interest in the trading and collecting of art. As the ANKK explicitly includes cultural history in its name, historical and literary topics are also particularly welcome. Thematic references to the conference venue Aschaffenburg are welcome, but not mandatory.
In addition to the paper sessions, proposals for workshops related to the Aschaffenburg collections are welcome and could be discussed in groups of 10 participants in the collections.
The annual meeting will take place on 23 and 24 October 2025 in Aschaffenburg. It is organised in cooperation with the Museums of Aschaffenburg and will offer the opportunity to visit various collections and sites in Aschaffenburg. ANKK membership or a conference fee of 40/20 Euros is mandatory for participation. Please submit a short CV and an abstract (ENG/GER) of no more than 300 words for a 20-minute presentation or a workshop of no more than 90 minutes. Submissions are welcome by 30 April 2025 to
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