Table of Contents
Introduction, Arthur K. Wheelock, Jr.
Wrestling with the Devil in the Details: Illuminating the Life of Saint Margaret in a Fourteenth-Century Book of Hours, Maeve Doyle
Dürer’s Melencolia I: An Allegory of Creation, Susan Dackerman
The Liechtenstein Venus: Aspects of Authorship and Authenticity, Ferdousi Islam
Parmigianino’s Saints Peter and John Healing the Lame Man, Naoko Takahatake
Hendrick ter Brugghen’s Saint Sebastian Tended by Irene: A Personal Account, Andaleeb Badiee Banta
Segers and the Image to Come, Mia M. Mochizuki
Time and Revelation in Rembrandt’s Abraham Entertaining the Angels, Joanna Sheers Seidenstein
Night Vision: Rembrandt’s The Star of the Kings, Elizabeth Nogrady
An Unfolding Odyssey in Rembrandt’s Aristotle—A Reminiscence, Richard W. Hunnewell
A Sympathetic Age: Michael Sweerts’s Head of a Woman, Lara Yeager-Crasselt
A Frans Hals for Worcester, James A. Welu
Jan Steen’s Woman at her Toilet: “An Invitation to Thirst,” Liana De Girolami Cheney
A Singular Print of Man Ray’s Le Violon d’Ingres, Paul Messier
Blindness and Vision: Max Beckmann’s Blind Man’s Buff as an Allegory of History, Amy K. Hamlin
At the Threshold: Fairfield Porter’s Night, Transitions, and the Steadiness of Friendship, Marni Reva Kessler
Pearls from the Ocean of Generosity: Wisdom and Reflection in Yelimane Fall’s Océan de generosité, Ladan Akbarnia
Seams: Anish Kapoor’s Cloud Gate, Niko Vicario