Historians of Netherlandish Art › Forums › Message Board › A Statement of Solidarity and Commitment from HNA › Reply To: A Statement of Solidarity and Commitment from HNA
Dear Paul, in the solidarity statement I read this: “Going forward, we will seek to recognize racial and cultural inequity in our activities and deliberations, and to actively engage with mechanisms to improve our inclusivity as an organization. To that end, HNA’s board will form a diversity and inclusion sub-committee dedicated to addressing these issues and to leading the organization in new directions and toward expanded affiliations. We will be asking for your ideas, your energy, and your assistance in concrete ways over the months to come.”
When will you move on the above promise? Words have to be followed by actions! I am still waiting on the answers to my previous concerns as well. You must admit the text box features are altogether inadequate and something has to be done about the programming. Please respond! Sincerely, Eva.