Hidden Gems shows you the very best of what Mechelen has produced throughout the centuries. With top works including those from Rubens, Jordaens and Faydherbe. Many of these hidden gems come from museum, private and heritage collections and are being exhibited to the public for the first time. A once in a lifetime opportunity to marvel at these works in real life.
In Hidden Gems you can admire more than 100 works of art from various time periods and various disciplines, such as painting, goldsmiths’ work , sculpture and printmaking. In addition to the top works, you will discover some true hidden gems.
For this exhibition, we have created a timeless city, that invites you to wander around it. As a visitor, you can walk around the arrangement or mingle amongst the artworks. So you can take it all in nicely, but also admire the individual pieces and discover the stories behind them. Discover seven centuries of Mechelen masterpieces in Hidden Gems.

[text via Codart.nl]