13-15 July, 2023
Gemäldegalerie Berlin
From 31 March to 16 July 2023, the Gemäldegalerie of the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin will present Hugo van der Goes: Between Pain and Bliss, the first monographic exhibition on the early Netherlandish painter Hugo van der Goes (c. 1440-1482/83). The exhibition will show about 60 works, including almost all autograph works by van der Goes (the panels in Florence and Edinburgh excluded), among which the newly restored Death of the Virgin from Bruges.
On Friday 14 and Saturday 15 July 2023, the Gemäldegalerie in Berlin will host an academic colloquium on the occasion of the exhibition, and has generously reserved 15 places for HNA members. On the evening before, 13 July, the HNA group will visit the exhibition with its curators Stephan Kemperdick and Erik Eising. There is time reserved to discuss two topics of the exhibition: 1) the artistic origins of Hugo van der Goes; and 2) the question of his autograph drawings. Participants may be asked to prepare these discussions.
This opportunity has been organized by HNA’s European liaisons, Angela Jager and Jan Blanc, in close collaboration with Erik Eising and Stephan Kemperdick of the Gemäldegalerie. If you are interested in attending, please send a brief introduction (affiliation and your interest in attending) to Angela Jager (jager@rkd.nl) as soon as possible, and definitely by 1 June. A number of slots will be reserved for early career scholars.
13 July
17.00-18.00 Visit to the main collection of Early Netherlandish Art and Early German Painting with Stephan Kemperdick and Erik Eising.
18.30-20.00 Visit to the exhibition with Stephan Kemperdick, Erik Eising and Stephanie Buck.
14-15 July
The program of the colloquium will follow.
The Call for Papers for the symposium: Berlin_Hugo van der Goes_Call_for_Papers