Jennifer Henel is an independent consultant and developer in the digital humanities and serves as the managing editor for the Journal of Historians of Netherlandish Art. She has worked with a number of public and private collections and scholarly digital publications, including more than 15 years at the National Gallery of Art and several years with The Leiden Collection. Ms. Henel serves as the Vice President for Communications with the Digital Art History Society and has published on art historical scholarship in the digital age, including Carrie Anderson and Marsley Kehoe’s Dutch Textile Trade Project; Dipti Khera’s The Place of Many Moods IIIF companion to her book, as well as the National Gallery of Art’s inaugural Online Editions’ Dutch Paintings of the Seventeenth Century (launched 2014) and The Leiden Collection Catalogue (launched 2017). She holds a B.A. from the College of William and Mary, and an M.A. from The George Washington University.
Please click here for her discussion about her work in digital art history, in conversation with Shea Spiller from the Kress Foundation.