The latest issue of Oud Holland features three articles. The first offers an in-depth iconographic analysis of a reliquary shrine kept in Borgloon. Combining medieval and early modern sources with technical analysis of the wooden panels, Jeroen Reyniers meticulously reconstructs the original composition of the shrine to offer an insightful new reading of the vivid scenes from the life of Saint Odilia.
Also included in this issue is Carla van de Puttelaar and Fred Meijer’s stylistic and comparative study of four portraits. Although these paintings had been modified over time, thanks to the findings of technical research the authors have identified the hand of the highly skilled portraitist Abraham de Vries (ca. 1590-1649/1650), who was active in the Netherlands and France during the first half of the seventeenth century.
In the final article, Lidwien Speleers sheds new light on a letter from François Oliviers to the stadholder’s secretary, Constantijn Huygens. This correspondence from 1649 provides fascinating details about the supply of prepared canvases. Notably, the canvases he references were intended for the famous painted decorations in the Oranjezaal of Huis ten Bosch Palace in The Hague.
Summaries of all three articles can be found on the Oud Holland website.
Oud Holland vol. 136 (2023) no. 4
Jeroen Reyniers
The reliquary shrine of Saint Odilia in Borgloon (1292): An iconographical reconstruction
Carla van de Puttelaar & Fred G. Meijer
Under the skin: Portraits by Abraham de Vries (c. 1590-1649/50) recognized and revealed
Lidwien Speleers
Three documents concerning the Oranjezaal, Huis ten Bosch (1648-1652): A new find and two more precise datings
Oud Holland – Journal for Art of the Low Countries
The oldest surviving art-historical journal in the world is a Dutch periodical. From 1883 until now Oud Holland – Journal for Art of the Low Countries publishes scholarly articles about important archival finds and major art-historical discoveries. The scope of Oud Holland is art from the Low Countries from ca. 1400 to 1920. For more information and news about recent issues of Oud Holland, online reviews, subscriptions and information for authors, visit
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