Netherlands Yearbook for History of Art / Nederlands Kunsthistorisch Jaarboek (NKJ)
NKJ 71 (yearbook 2021) is now available!
Humans and Other Animals
The title of this volume of the NKJ takes cognisance of the cross-disciplinary field of animal studies, which challenges taxonomies that set human beings apart from, and often above or at the centre of, all other living creatures and the broader environment. Some articles focus on human-animal relations in oil paintings by canonical artists such as Rubens and Cornelisz. van Haarlem. Others are concerned with the painter as hunter, the politics of dog ownership in seventeenth century Leiden and how the ‘creatureliness’ common to humans and other animals informs a depiction of two slaughtered and eviscerated politicians. There are contributions that consider the visual construction of human knowledge of the civet cat and the polar bear across a range of media in the early modern period, and a study of colour lithographs within the Dutch naturalist and early environmental movements in around 1900. The final contribution considers the use of animal materials in the works of a seventeenth-century and a contemporary artist. More details can be found on Brill’s website.
More information about the series can be found here.